Return + Exchange Policy

All products sold are refundable, especially if fault or breakage occurs within 14 days of delivery. If there is a fault or break under these conditions, you must contact Alla Vita, LLC or for a Return Authorization Code (RAC).

We do not provide return labels and shipping fees are nonrefundable. You may send your return via UPS, USPS, FedEx or DHL (for international orders). Please make sure you have a tracking number as a way to make sure your package is received. Alla Vita is not responsible for packages that are lost by a carrier or shipped to an incorrect address.

Once your return is received, we will email you with your refund total. International return shipping is the responsibility of the customer, but do still email us for an RAC code and send us a tracking number for reference. With all that said, we thank you for being a loyal customer of Alla Vita. We hope you are pleased with your purchase and hope to hear from you only to order again or let us know how much fun you are having with your new Alla Vita mat! 

Light + Love,

Alla Vita 


All images and content on this website are the property of Alla Vita, LLC and may not be used or reproduced without permission. © 2015