Saucha - how to care for your mat…
To break in your new mat before use, lightly mist surface fabric with purified water and wipe down with a white cotton towel . By practicing Saucha, we advise our yogis to combine in a spray bottle 1/4 part antifungal essential oil (Tea Tree oil or similar), a splash of Dawn dish soap, 1/4 part essential oil of your choosing for scent and 1/2 parts purified water. Lightly spray and wipe down your mat with a cloth after use. Drape or hang in a shaded, well-ventilated area to dry.
To lightly cleanse and purify your used mat after a hot yoga class, hand wipe with cotton towel and spray with blended solution of purified water combine with a few drops of Tea Tree Oil and a splash of Dawn dish soap in bottle. Wipe clean and roll it up immediately after class. Once home, hang on railing (or similar) to dry.
To cleanse and purify your used mat after a hot yoga class, spray with blended solution of purified water combine with a few drops of Tea Tree Oil and a splash of Dawn dish soap in bottle or white cotton hand towel and wipe clean. If extra soapy or dirty, spray with common water hose until clean and hang over railing (or similar) to dry.